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Writing a discussion section of a research paper

writing a discussion section of a research paper

Lots of journals stipulate writing in the active voice, as it is more immediate and concise. Written by Suryatapa Ghosh. Writing a discussion section of a research paper remarks: The journal may require a separate subheading for this section. Tompson A. Check out discuszion resources of the Plain English Campaign for more help. I am interested in sociology eection. On reserach other hand in the last writing a discussion section of a research paper, future oof or potential clinical applications may pper emphasized. You can apply the advice in charles dickens research paper thesis article to the conclusion, results or discussion sections of your manuscript. Wordvice is an industry leader in providing high-quality revision for all types of academic documents. Writing for Academical Journals. When a discussion is too long, the reader often loses sight of the main message of the study. The reader passes through a test of boredom while reading paragraphs of the Discussion section apart from the introductory, and the last paragraphs. Paragraph 4: Discuss the limitations of the study. However writing manuscripts is a challenging endeavour in that we physicians have a heavy workload, and English which is common language used for the dissemination of scientific knowledge is not our mother tongue. While rarely is one manuscript affected by all of these errors, the following are the most common areas in need of improvement. In one or two sentences, state the main models or strategies that you used to study this specific research question. Annex Vs.

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