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Appendices example in research paper pdf

appendices example in research paper pdf

The maximum file size for each file is MB. In some cases, there may need to be more than one appendix in a research paper. As appendices example in research paper pdf skin cancer research paper pdf appendices example in research paper pdf student, you still have a lot to learn and many things to appendkces both academically and reseadch. The numbers that appear content writing specialist the appendix of a research paper need to be either at the center of exxmple page or on the bottom right-hand corner of the page. These instruments can include cameras, cell phone recordings, or any other instrument that was used to conduct the research for the paper. Each appendix needs to start on a new page so as to not confuse the person who is reading the paper. Audio and video files Upload. There should be no spelling, punctuation, or grammar errors in both the research paper and the appendix. For example, if a research paper mentions an interview at the end of the paper then the link to the interview needs to be shown at the end of the appendix. However, sometimes content cannot be easily formatted for a Word document, so as long as the content is readable, converting to an image is another option. In addition to graphs, instruments, and raw material used to conduct research, the appendix should also include an array of interviewssurveys, or transcripts that may have transpired during the research that was done for the paper. Appendices feature different types of material, for instance interviews, research tools, surveys, raw statistical data, etc. Appendix examples: video file example Data files raw data. For more information about appendices, please see the Thesis Template Instructions.

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