Research paper on cashless economy in india pdf

Citation Type. Purpose This study library research paper pdf to analyze the effect of banking technology [automated teller machine Cash,ess and mobile cellular devices MOBs ] and other researcj factors on the level of currency in econojy Expand. India is a multi demographic geo-cultural research paper on cashless economy in india pdf which has dynamic financial behavior and proven structural paradigm. The instrument or the questionnaire for the study was developed by adapting scales from previous researchers to the Indian context. Research Methodology 3. Page Number DOI: H 2 : There is a significant positive relationship between System Quality and Perceived usefulness. Skip to search form Skip to main content Skip to account menu. Table 4 presents the model fit results. The objective of the study was to identify the factors that impact the continuous intention of users to use mobile wallets by integrating the IS success model and the technology acceptance model.