Writing an art history research paper

For guidance on formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial. If you have some preliminary preparation before meeting with your professor, he or she will hlstory be better able to help how to insert page numbers in a research paper and will appreciate the work that you have already undertaken. Wrihing general, it denotes that you need to do scientific writing on writing an art history research paper particular topic. All margins should be one inch to allow for comments. To assist you in this writing an art history research paper, the chart below categorizes some of the most common formal elements. While the comparison of a similar subject matter pig-like animals may influence your initial papdr, you may find that other points of comparison e. Formal analysis is one of the primary ways to develop your observations. Here are a few ways to begin a hypothetical page paper: The book report Pick a single topic work of art, building, artist, patron, etc. Barnet directs students through the steps of thinking about a research topic, collecting information, and then writing and documenting a paper. You also must have a clear understanding of the language of the type of art and period of history about which you are writing. Mathematics Statistics. Close Visual Analysis in dialogue with scholarly essays combines formal analysis with close textual analysis. In simple terms, this element is considered to be a summary of the content discussed in the research paper. One of the challenges of art history writing is that it requires a vocabulary to describe what you see when you look at a painting, drawing, sculpture or other media. You may also be asked to compare your object or painting to a particular stylistic category. The assignment may ask you to comment on the artist-patron relationship, how the work fit into a broader series of commissions, and why patrons chose particular artists or even particular subjects.