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Social media as a marketing tool research paper pdf

social media as a marketing tool research paper pdf

Thus, successful exchanges can advance interpersonal connections referred to as social exchange writing a compare and contrast essay 6th grade with beneficial effects for the interacting parties Cropanzano and Mitchell They also For marketers this phenomenon is social media as a marketing tool research paper pdf high prove its significant managerial social media as a marketing tool research paper pdf interest as social media is becoming an and academic interest through the lack of important source of customer information many website content writing samples findings. We believe that these different areas will influence a number of stakeholders such as individual social media users, firms and brands that utilize social media, and public policymakers e. Prior studies have shown that tie strength is an important determinant of customer referral behaviors e. I belong, therefore, I exist: Ingroup identification, ingroup entitativity, and ingroup bias. Nowadays, companies all over the world use Social Media tools in order to advertise and promote their products, services and themselves. Singaraju, S. Salo, J. First are the platforms—major and minor, established and emerging—that provide the underlying technologies and business models making up the industry and ecosystem. While such platforms allow for a rapid dissemination of ideas and concepts Bonilla and Rosa ; Bodethere are some, both in academia and industry that have raised ethical concerns about using social media for political purposes. Hilken, T. These can generally be categorized as 1 digitally communicating and socializing with known others, such as family and friends, 2 doing the same but with unknown others but who share common interests, and 3 accessing and contributing to digital content such as news, gossip, and user-generated product reviews. Journal of Business Research, 67 6— Abstract 72 Citations 37 References Related Papers. Article Google Scholar Dolan, R. Social media engagement behavior: A uses and gratifications perspective.

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