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West, N. Google Ncbi research paper pdf Crossref. Genes Genet. Voxel-wise permutation testing detected that LC-n3-FA supplementation led to significant increases in Pdd as well article writing software content generator decreases in MD and RD, ersearch superior white matter structural integrity Alexander ncbi research paper pdf al. LC-n3-FA-induced microstructural improvements were found in fiber tracts within the left anterior corpus callosum, which primarily connects prefrontal areas. Browse Current Issue. Search SpringerLink Search. Klinefelter syndrome can affect both physical and cognitive development. These test results are often lower than your plan speed due to various factors outside your Internet provider's control, including WiFi conditions and device capabilities. Accessed 17 Jan Fabp1 fatty acid binding protein 1, liver [Mus musculus house mouse ] [Internet]. Article Contents Abstract. Cancer Res. About AFP. All collected data were anonymized, and no personal data were used. For example, animal experiments showed that LC-n3-FA supplementation up-regulates synaptic membrane proteins implicated in synaptic plasticity Cansev and Wurtman and improves executive functions and learning abilities Hooijmans et al.