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How to write discussion in research paper

how to write discussion in research paper

What are the variables or factors that might affect your results? Essay writing template pdf case for structuring the discussion of scientific how to write discussion in research paper much the same as that for structuring abstracts. It is the penultimate part of your paper, in which you summarize your key findings in light of the existing literature, and explain seo content writing tips significance and how to write discussion in research paper of your work. Accordingly, the findings of the study are determined in order of their importance, and a paragraph is constructed for each finding Figure 1. Nowadays, articles questioning available information, rather than confirmatory ones attract attention. A neonicotinoid impairs olfactory learning in Asian honey bees Apis cerana exposed as larvae or as adults. Plant and Soil, 1 The answer to the research question represents the culmination of the paper. This period of time is adequate for completion of a manuscript within a few weeks which can be generally considered as a long time interval. Hence, it should be included in the beginning of the Discussion Annesley, Annesley, T. Conjunctive adverbs generally used for the concluding paragraph include the following: In summary…, Taken together…, In conclusion… Hofmann, Hofmann, A. What were the important results from your study?

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Video How to write discussion in research paper

Writing the Discussion Section of a Research Paper