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How to write a title page for a research paper

how to write a title page for a research paper

Footer bottom Links. Although it is the first page of the manuscript, this section is usually written right at the end. Review the following example. Ultimately, fesearch will be able to produce a perfect title page if you just follow these write my biography for me, nutshell instructions:. Make sure, that you write names accurately. On Off. Your title may take up one or two lines. The APA recommend that your title should be a maximum of 12 words and should not contain abbreviations or words that serve no purpose. This is a shortened version of the title, no more than 50 characters long, and is the header that you will use at the top of each page. Here's How. All text on the title page, and throughout your paper, should be double-spaced. The running head represents a short form of the title that is represented to the reader throughout the paper.

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