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Define commentary in essay writing

Teacher Tips. Issues you cover might be various and relate definw the expositorynarrativeor descriptive essays. Steps to writing an opinion essay define commentary in essay writing vital to be critical defie at the same time, you have to essaj unbiased with the work of the commejtary. The attitude and the mood of the author can be known define commentary in essay writing looking at the tone of the text. Make sure the commentary has a clear introduction section, body paragraphs, and a conclusion section. Use quotation marks to note when you are quoting the text directly. Authors may prepare a brief outline of the key points they desire to present in the commentary and send it to the chief editor. Make sure you have a hard copy of the passage so you can mark it up as you read it. Use only those quotes which are relevant and can support the discussion. Now, you know what is a commentary essay and how to deal with this assignment successfully. The content will be in a specific form. Make sure to add one academic article or any other authoritative source per page. This is a general way to prepare a commentary, unlike an essay which requires a thesis statement.

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