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Customer relationship management research paper pdf

customer relationship management research paper pdf

Rigby, D. On the other hand, up—selling apa career research paper customer relationship management research paper pdf premium products to customers in the same category. Preview Customfr to customer relationship management research paper pdf preview. Mertens, P. The relatinoship schema is then used to review the literature. Romano, N. All old and incorrect data papsr to be cleared post implementation to ensure that the purpose of customer relationship management implementation is not defeated. Limited customer commitment only 7. Understanding customer relationship management CRM : People, process and technology. Customer relationship management in retailing: a content analysis of retail trade. Customer management processes, supported by the business rules of the operation and technology making comprehensive solutions. Soltani, Z. Consequently, businesses with a CRM have a chance to provide their customers with various ways of communication. They keep track of the profiles of the prevailing clientele and can use them to determine the people to target for determined clientage returns.

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