Bbc bitesize essay writing

It is a real bridge in New York. The benefits of relationships outweigh the drawbacks, but Will takes a long time to accept btesize. Feedback comments — a much better response This answer gets straight bbc bitesize essay writing the point about Brooklyn Bridge and what bbc bitesize essay writing represents ezsay the play. But affection write a essay on my best friend not love. To what extent do you find the ending of Heroes a satisfying conclusion to the novel? He falls in love with her, which has never happened to him before, and he finds himself being afraid that he will lose her somehow, either in an accident or if she leaves him. To what extent do you find A View from the Bridge an effective title for the play? You should use short quotations from the extract to support your ideas. As the book progresses, Will has a couple of relationships with other single mothers, and he remains rather detached emotionally until he meets Rachel. Feedback comments — quite focused on the point but needs improvements This answer shows that the pupil is aware of what the Brooklyn Bridge represents.