Alternative medicine research paper pdf

The apa format research paper example 2012 publications amongst the cancer population are more likely to report CAM use for reducing the negative and alternative medicine research paper pdf unpleasant side effects of CM. Unlike hospitalizations and physician alternative medicine research paper pdf, alternative therapies are only infrequently included in insurance benefits. Results Results should be clear and concise. The data were then weighted in parallel on sociodemographic variables to adjust for aggregate discrepancies between the sample distributions and population distributions provided by the US Census Bureau. Landmark Healthcare. Furthermore, fine-grained and interpretable IE technologies are necessary for further exploration. No limits were set regarding country of origin or type of population. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:. Eur J Cancer. This Issue. As long as alternative treatments are used alongside conventional treatments, the majority of medical doctors find most forms of complementary medicine acceptable. A detailed guide on electronic artwork is available. The use of ayurvedic medicine in the context of health promotion--a mixed methods case study of an ayurvedic Centre in Sweden. Save your search. Open access Please visit our Open Access page for more information.